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5 Signs Your Dog is Stressed – What Every Pet Owner Should Know


a shaggy looking small dog, with a sad expression

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Unusual Yawning and Licking
  3. Excessive Shedding
  4. Changes in Body Posture
  5. Avoiding Eye Contact or Staring
  6. Changes in Eating or Sleeping Habits
  7. FAQ


Hey there, dog lovers! Have you ever noticed your furry friend acting a bit off and wondered what’s going on? Dogs can’t tell us in words when they’re feeling stressed, but they do show us through their actions. Understanding these signs can help you make your pup’s life happier and stress-free. Let’s dive into the 5 signs that your dog might be stressed.

Unusual Yawning and Licking

Did you know that when dogs yawn or lick their lips, it might not always mean they’re tired or hungry? Sometimes, these can be signs of stress. If your dog is doing this more than usual, especially in situations they find uncomfortable, it might be their way of saying, “I’m not feeling great.”

Excessive Shedding

All dogs shed, but did you know that stressed dogs might shed way more than usual? If you notice your dog’s fur coming out in clumps during vet visits or thunderstorms, stress could be the culprit.

Changes in Body Posture

A stressed dog might try to look smaller by hunching over, tucking their tail, or flattening their ears against their head. These body language cues are important to notice because they show your dog is not feeling confident.

Avoiding Eye Contact or Staring

Dogs avoid eye contact when they’re stressed, but paradoxically, they might also stare intensely at whatever is stressing them out. Understanding the context can help you figure out what’s making your dog uncomfortable.

Changes in Eating or Sleeping Habits

Just like humans, dogs can lose their appetite or sleep more when they’re stressed. If you notice sudden changes in how much your dog eats or sleeps, it’s worth considering stress as a possible reason.


Q: What causes stress in dogs?
A: Many things can stress out dogs, like loud noises, changes in their routine, new people or pets in their home, and even being left alone for too long.

Q: How can I help my stressed dog?
A: Offering a safe, quiet space, sticking to a routine, and gentle petting can help. If stress signs continue, consider consulting a vet or a dog behaviorist.

Q: Can dogs get sick from stress?
A: Yes, prolonged stress can lead to health issues in dogs, such as digestive problems and weakened immune systems. It’s important to address stress to keep your dog healthy.

Remember, every dog is unique, so they might show stress in different ways. Paying close attention to your dog’s normal behavior will help you notice when something’s off. By understanding these signs, you can take steps to reduce their stress and ensure they live a happy, healthy life. Thanks for reading and give your dog an extra hug from us today!

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